Sunday, May 19, 2019

Creating the Perfect Voyageur Costume

June 2019, Sash, Tuque, Capote and Iroquois beaded sheath.

Earlier this year I purchased a wonderful capote (blanket coat) from a gent named Gary who is the owner 'GettinPrimitive' a business on Esty at...

His wife made it and it's one of the prettiest capotes I've seen. I've owned a couple in the past, but this one is much nicer.

Last month I commissioned a skilled finger-weaver to make a voyageurs ceinture fléchée (arrow sash) for me. He sent the above photo of it at about 30% complete. 

George, the weaver, can be found at 'NoOnesshop' on Etsy

This month I purchased an Iroquois beaded knife sheath with a good replica forged trade knife. The maker, an Iroquois descendant in New York, said he made it so it could be either a neck knife or belt knife.

I figure our voyageur ancestors would have likely traded for and used First Nations accoutrements like a knife and sheath.

I'm making some improvement in my appearance. Back in 1987, my gear was a mixture of all kinds of periods and styles.

I think this new knife will look pretty good on my new sash when it arrives.

I’m using the voyageur (detail) in this HBC mural from ”Pioneer at Fort Garry 1861", by Adam Sherriff Scott, as my model.

I also found and purchased a wonderful Cree or Ojibwe possibles bag from a gent named Lance Grabowski. I like it a lot. His web page is

The Old Man must have taken a liking to me this past month because I also found a talented wood carver who has agreed to make me a new Beaver effigy canoe cup.

You can see his amazing work on his Facebook page...

Update 2023: I love my new canoe cup, a copy of the one above. 

Mind yur topknot!  And, keep yur powder dry!